Hamilton Doctors Test Results

Your doctor has requested you have some tests. To appropriately manage your health with your GP it is very important that you have these tests.
To receive your results your GP will ask you to either phone for the results in 7 days OR reserve a follow up appointment to discuss your results.

  • If your results are normal our reception staff will inform you when you contact the Practice.

  • If your results are slightly abnormal you will receive a secure SMS health message where you will need to provide your Name & DOB to access the message to book an appointment, if you have chosen to not receive SMS notifications one of our reception team will contact you to make a non-urgent appointment.

  • If your results are more abnormal our reception staff will contact you to make an urgent appointment with your GP OR your GP will phone you to discuss them.


Hamilton Doctors now sends secure health messages reminders via SMS Hotdocs when you need to book a result appointment.